City Council Ward 3 Alderman Search

The Caucus Committee has commenced its search for candidates for Lake Forest City Council. The election on April 1, 2025 will include four positions, one for each Ward. The deadline to submit candidate petitions to appear on the April 1, 2025 ballot will be the end of November. The Lake Forest Caucus will present its candidates to the community at its Annual Meeting in early November.

The Aldermen Search Sub-committee is now accepting Volunteer Profile Sheet (VPS) for Ward 3 candidates who are interested in serving on City Council. The Sub-committee will conduct interviews of VPS submissions in August and September and select two finalists for the 43-member Caucus Committee to vote on and present as a candidate for the Community to vote on at the Annual Meeting.

We encourage all interested and qualified individuals to create or update your VPS as soon as possible but no later than August 21, 2024.

Candidates must meet certain qualifications. You can view those qualifications, along with key details on the role and responsibilities of an Alderperson, here.

We strive to identify and recommend individuals whose talents, interests and experience will best serve the constituents. If you have questions about the process or what it entails to be an alderman, please visit or contact us here.

Below is a summary of the current positions up for election on April 1, 2025 and the current status of the process for each position:

Ward 1
Aldermen Pete Clemens: Incumbent, currently serving his 1-year fill-in term. He has expressed interest in serving another term and per tradition will appear before the full Caucus Committee for re-endorsement vote.

Ward 2
Alderman John Powers: Incumbent, currently serving his first term. He has expressed interest in serving another term and, per tradition, will appear before the full Caucus Committee for re-endorsement vote.

Ward 3
Alderman Ara Goshgarian: Serving final term. The Caucus Committee is seeking a new candidate for recommendation.

Ward 4
Alderman Richard Walther: Incumbent, currently serving his first term. He has expressed interest in serving another term and, per tradition, will appear before the full Caucus Committee for re-endorsement vote.

Posted in News and Events.