Ad Hoc Bylaws Committee Update

Hello Lake Forest,
I am happy to report that on 10/8/2024, the Executive Committee and Caucus Committee unanimously approved the candidates to serve on the Ad Hoc Bylaw Committee.

I would like to thank all of the 43 candidates who submitted a VPS and were interviewed to serve on this committee. I would also like to thank Kent Novit and Melanie Rummel for their time and diligence in corresponding, interviewing, and proposing the candidates for service on the Ad Hoc Committee.

The seven voting members that will comprise the Ad Hoc Committee are Bob Kiely, Stewart Dixon, Debbie Saran, Geoff Hanson, Derek Johnson, Katie Anderson, and Susan Sailor Daly. The Ad Hoc Committee is responsible for undertaking an independent, objective review of the bylaws of the Lake Forest Caucus and submitting recommendations for revisions to said bylaws to the Caucus Executive Committee by January 31, 2025.

The purpose of the review is to identify changes to the bylaws that will strengthen and further enhance the mission of the Lake Forest Caucus in providing a non-agenda driven and non-partisan process for recommending and vetting qualified resident volunteers to serve on Lake Forest’s government and its School Boards.

The goal for the Caucus Committee is to propose by-law amendment(s) to the community for voting at the Spring Meeting on March 18,2025.

The candidates who were not selected to serve on the Ad Hoc Committee will be invited to serve on a Focus Group which the Ad Hoc committee will utilize to solicit feedback and socialize recommendations regarding the proposed bylaw amendment(s).

An open public meeting of the proposed recommendations for public comment is also encouraged and will be determined by the Ad Hoc Committee.

Kent Novit, Melanie Rummel, and Caucus members Regina Etherton (VP), Dale Tauke (Secretary), and myself will remain engaged with the Ad Hoc Committee by observing and listening in meetings and offering any assistance that may be requested. We will not have voting authority, nor control over the process, in order to achieve an independent recommendation.

The next step is for the Ad Hoc Committee to convene and start this important endeavor.

Stay tuned.

Joe Oriti

Lake Forest Caucus President

Posted in News and Events.